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  • 27 Dec 2019 1:12 PM | Melinda Cox

     Celebrating 40 Years:



    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 27, 2019

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) applauds the New Jersey Assembly and Senate for passing two bills, which benefit the Latinx community:  1) restoring voting rights to residents on parole or probation (A5823/S4260); and 2) revising and expanding expungement eligibility and procedures (A5981/S4154).  On December 18, 2019, Governor Philip D. Murphy signed both bills into law. 

    In a press release discussing the passing of both legislations, Governor Murphy said: “Our Administration is deeply committed to transforming our criminal justice system, and today we are taking a historic step to give residents impacted by that system a second chance.  I am proud to sign one of the most progressive expungement laws in the nation, which will allow more New Jerseyans the opportunity to fully engage in our society.  I am also proud to enact legislation that will restore voting rights to over 80,000 residents on probation or parole, allowing them to fully participate in our democracy.”

    With these two bills, New Jersey aims to restore some of the racial disparities of the criminal justice system.  The expungement bill creates a new “clean slate” petition for residents who have not committed an offense in 10 years and do not have a conviction for a crime that is not subject to expungement.  The bill also eliminates expungement filing fees and creates an e-filing system.  To implement the new provisions of the expungement law, the bill also appropriates $15 million to the Department of Law and Public Safety.  Further, as a result of the restoration of voting rights bill, which is effective March 17, 2020, approximately 80,000 residents, who are on parole or probation, will have their right to vote restored. 

    HBA-NJ President Melinda Colón Cox noted: “Through the passage of these bills, historically disenfranchised groups, like the Latinx community, who are disproportionately impacted by the criminal justice system, will have their right to vote restored.  2020 will be a historic presidential election year for our nation, and these citizens will have the opportunity to take part of our democracy by exercising their constitutional right to vote.  Similarly, the expansion of the expungement law allows residents to reintegrate fully into our society.  The HBA-NJ applauds the New Jersey legislature and Governor Murphy for leading criminal justice reform in our great State.”


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey  

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community. 

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers. 

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101




    For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at or (973) 966-8034.

    For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: or contact Melinda Colón Cox, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at or (908) 333-6214.


    ©2019 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.


  • 20 Dec 2019 5:05 PM | Melinda Cox

    Celebrating 40 Years:


    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 20, 2019

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) commends the New Jersey Assembly and Senate for passing bill A4743 on Monday, December 16, 2019, and Governor Philip D. Murphy for signing the bill into law on Thursday, December 19, 2019. 

    This legislation represents a significant advancement of Latinx rights in New Jersey.  The legislation creates two categories of driver’s licenses.  The first category allows New Jersey residents who do not qualify for a REAL ID Act license—either because they are unable or unwilling to prove lawful presence in the U.S.—to receive a standard license.  The second category of licenses may be used for federal purposes (REAL ID Act compliant) and is available to those who prove lawful presence in the U.S.1

    In discussing the historic impact that this legislation will have during a press conference on the day the bill was signed, Governor Murphy stated, “Today is a simple recognition that our immigrant communities and each of you are a vital part of our State and of our economy. . . .  Our roads will be safer, and our ranks of uninsured drivers will be lower, and that’s good for all of us.”  In addressing concerns that the legislation could result in discriminatory use of the information, the Governor noted, “We are going to protect you and your personal information and that of any other resident who applies for a standard driver’s license.  Insurance companies won’t be allowed to hike your premiums because you don’t have a REAL ID [license] and employers or landlords or even the government won’t be allowed to discriminate against you.  We honor and welcome our immigrant brothers and sisters in our immigrant communities – we are, after all, a nation of immigrants.”

    Following Governor Murphy’s speech, Assemblywoman Annette Quijano, the primary sponsor of A4743, discussed the time, dedication and effort that went into passing the legislation, as well as the positive impact the bill will have on various communities.  Assemblywoman Quijano explained, “along the way, we learned that other communities faced obstacles to secure their driver’s licenses too.  Communities like senior citizens, the homeless, LGBTQIA, and survivors of domestic violence will also benefit from better and more inclusive access to driver’s licenses.  While faced with stiff opposition [to the proposed legislation] at times, [and] temporary defeat, we stood steadfast and today we celebrate.”

    Senators Nellie Pou and Teresa Ruiz also participated in the press conference, noting the importance of this legislation to the Latinx community and commending all of the legislators, advocacy groups, and individuals who worked tirelessly to push for the passage of the legislation.  In explaining the need for legislators to use their voice and power to make a difference, Senator Teresa Ruiz stated, “We truly have the power to write policy that engages every community and creates equity, and fairness and inclusion and, ultimately, safety for women who want to raise their daughters in a better world.”

    By passing this legislation, New Jersey becomes the 15th State (plus DC) to expand access to driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status.  The new legislation will become effective by January 1, 2021.  Notably, it includes certain safety measures to ensure its proper implementation.  For example, the chief administrator of the Motor Vehicle Commission must implement a two-year public awareness campaign to educate the public about the requirements and availability of a standard license versus a REAL ID license.  An eleven-member advisory board will oversee the Motor Vehicle Commission’s implementation of the law.  Finally, within 12 months of the law’s implementation, the advisory board will issue a report to the Governor’s office and State Legislature with its findings and recommendations to address any issues or concerns with the legislation.

    In reiterating the HBA-NJ’s support for the legislation, its President, Melinda Colón Cox stated, “The HBA-NJ applauds the legislature for passing this historic and progressive legislation.  New Jersey has joined the ranks of a growing number of states that grant driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants, a population that cannot and will not be ignored any longer.  This law promotes mobility for undocumented New Jerseyans and allows them to become productive members of society, while enhancing our economy, making our roads safer, and empowering our Latinx community.  By passing this law, New Jersey has sent a powerful message that immigrants are an integral part of our community and deserve equal access to fair and equitable treatment under the law.  Si se pudo!”


    1 For more information regarding the bills and REAL ID Act, please review the HBA-NJ’s June 6, 2019 Press Release wherein the HBA-NJ expressed its support of the proposed legislation, available at


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101




    For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at or (973) 966-8034.

    For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: or contact Melinda Cólon Cox, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at or (908) 333-6214.



    ©2019 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.

    You received this email because you are a valued friend of ours.  Please unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive such communications from us.


  • 05 Nov 2019 3:48 PM | Melinda Cox

    Celebrating 40 Years:


    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 5, 2019

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) supports bill S-2100/A-3456, proposed legislation that would restore voting rights to nearly 100,000 New Jerseyans by removing prohibitions on voting currently imposed upon people convicted of an indictable offense who are on parole, probation or serving a sentence.

    Voting is a fundamental right in our democracy. Felon disenfranchisement laws have historically been used to deprive racial minorities, including the Latinx community of New Jersey, of their basic right to vote.  Statistics show that, currently, people of color, including the Latinx community, make up a large percentage of the nearly 100,000 persons prohibited to vote because of criminal convictions.  As a result, felon disfranchisement laws disparately impact our Latinx and minority communities and unfairly dilute the Latinx political power in this State. 

    The Latinx community, in its entirety, should and must have a voice in effectuating change in New Jersey by having the right to elect State leaders and to vote on important public policies and law. Felon disenfranchisement is a tool used to silence that voice, and the adoption of bill S-2100/A-3456 would reverse the prejudicial impact disenfranchisement has had on the Latinx community and other communities.

    The HBA-NJ believes that criminal punishment and the right to elect representatives have no legitimate or logical connection to criminal deterrence.  Our criminal justice system punishes by taking a person’s liberty through incarceration or limiting it through probation or parole.  Such punishment is sufficient as studies have shown that stripping a person of his or her right to vote does not have a deterrent effect on criminal conduct.  Bill S-2100/A-3456 would facilitate rehabilitation for the nearly 100,000 individuals currently ineligible to vote by giving a traditionally underrepresented population a voice to effectuate positive change within their own communities. 

    Voting is one of the most significant rights conferred by citizenship.  As stated by Chief Justice Earl Warren, “[c]itizenship is not a license that expires upon misbehavior.”  The commission of a crime must be punished, but it does not remove the felon from our society and should not strip them of their basic constitutional right to vote, which is derived from citizenship.  Bill S-2100/A-3456 would restore this right, and the HBA-NJ proudly supports and endorses its passage.  HBA-NJ President Melinda Colón Cox noted:  “Today, throughout the State of New Jersey, citizens are exercising their right to vote in the elections and thousands of our Latinx community members are currently unable to exercise that same fundamental right.  It is time for change and it is time to empower and support our community by supporting the restoration of their right to vote.  Passage of bill S-2100/A-3456 will promote fairness and justice in our voting system, will encourage the rehabilitation of convicted felons by making it known that they remain a part of our society, and will further empower and educate our community members by giving them a voice and the ability to effectuate real change in this State.  The HBA-NJ proudly supports the bill and we are here to assist.” 


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey 

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers. 

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101


    For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at or (973) 966-8034.

    For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: or contact Melinda Colón Cox, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at or (908) 333-6214.

    ©2019 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.

  • 05 Nov 2019 3:40 PM | Melinda Cox


    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 31, 2019    

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) held its 40th Annual Installation and Swearing-In Ceremony of its Officers and Trustees at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey on October 22, 2019.  The Honorable Michael A. Shipp, District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, swore in the Officers and Trustees.  After 11 years of service to the HBA-NJ, Melinda Colón Cox, partner at the law firm of Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLP (“PIB Law”), was sworn in as the HBA-NJ’s 40th President. 

    Longtime member of the HBA-NJ, Albertina (“Abby”) Webb, Vice President for the Southern Region of the HBA-NJ and a partner at Hill Wallack LLP, served as the mistress of ceremonies at the sold-out event.  Judges, lawyers, and students from all over the state were among the 400 guests.  Julia A. López, Immediate Past President of the HBA-NJ and an attorney at Reed Smith LLP, highlighted the HBA-NJ’s accomplishments over the past year during her presidency, including the creation of the HBA-NJ Scholarship Endowment Fund and the recent CBS news segment on the HBA-NJ’s American Dream Pipeline Programs.  Irene Oria, National President of the Hispanic National Bar Association (“HNBA”) and partner at Fisher Broyles, also made remarks highlighting the importance of collaboration with the HBA-NJ and congratulating the organization for being named as the HNBA’s 2019 Affiliate of the Year.  We also recognized long-term board member Jonathan Barrera, Esq., HBA-NJ Region 4 Trustee for Passaic County and Assistant Prosecutor at the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office, with the Corazon Del HBA-NJ Award for his outstanding dedication and unwavering service to the organization, which includes his years of leading our Union City High School American Dream Pipeline program. 

    During her presidential remarks, Melinda Colón Cox announced this year’s theme for the HBA-NJ:  “Rise Up – Engage, Empower, Educate.”  While looking at the diverse guests in attendance, Melinda remarked:  “Against all odds, we have succeeded and we should be proud.  But with that success comes a great responsibility – we each have an obligation to pay it forward and to ensure the success of our Latino community.”  With the upcoming 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote and the political and social state of our nation, there is no question that 2020 will be a big year and President Cólon Cox underscored the need for the Latino legal profession to rise up, reminding attendees that “we rise, by lifting others.”  In discussing this year’s theme, President Cólon Cox explained:  “If we want to see progress, we must all rise up by engaging in community, political and social activism, by empowering and elevating one another, and by educating ourselves and our future leaders to promise a better tomorrow.” 

    In celebrating the four decades of the organization, during the Installation, the HBA-NJ launched its $40,000 in 40 days Fundraiser in Celebration of the HBA-NJ’s 40th Anniversary and raised nearly $18,500 in one night.  All donations will go to the HBA-NJ Scholarship Endowment Fund, and 100% of the proceeds will be used to award annual scholarships to deserving high school and law school students.  If you would like to donate, please text “HBANJ40” to 44321 for more information – all donations are tax deductible.  The HBA-NJ also presented a special 40th Anniversary video presentation, entitled: The Past, the Present and the Future, which included photographs and video messages from the HBA-NJ’s 39 past presidents and 40th president, and also published and circulated a special 40th Anniversary edition of its Abogados Newsletter, highlighting the HBA-NJ’s robust 40-year history, which is available on the HBA-NJ’s website at

    The HBA-NJ thanks its sponsors and Installation attendees for their generosity and support.  In particular, we would like to thank PIB Law for its Underwriter Annual and Diamond Installation sponsorship, as well as our Amigo Annual and Gold Installation sponsors: 1) Archer & Greiner P.C.; 2) Day Pitney LLP; 3) Hudson Court Reporting & Digital Media; 4) Lowenstein Sandler LLP; 5) Prudential; 6) Reed Smith LLP; and 7) Sterling National Bank; Amigo Annual and Silver Installation sponsor: 1) Stark & Stark; and Silver Installation sponsors: 1) Bederson LLP; 2) D’Arcy Johnson Day; 3) DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP; 4) Fox Rothschild LLP; 5) Law Offices of George Rios, P.A.; 6) Norris McLaughlin P.A.; 7) Norton Rose Fulbright; and 8) Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga.


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community. 

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101

    ©2019 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.
    ations from us.

  • 02 Jul 2019 8:27 PM | Arianna Mouré (Administrator)

    Celebrating 39 Years:



      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  July 1, 2019

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) held its 38th Annual Scholarship Gala and Awards Dinner (the “Gala”) at The Legacy Castle in Pompton Plains, New Jersey on June 22, 2019.  Almost 400 attorneys, federal and state judges, law students, and guests attended the Gala where the HBA-NJ recognized three remarkable honorees in the Latinx legal community.  Longtime supporter of the HBA-NJ, Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLP was honored as the Law Firm of the Year for its dedicated and demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion in the legal profession.  Beacon Hill Legal was honored as Corporate Partner of the Year for delivering excellent and trusted service to law firms and companies across the State of New Jersey.  Further, the HBA-NJ awarded the Margarita Echevarria Trailblazer Award to Evelyn Padin, who became the first Latina President of the New Jersey State Bar Association in its 120-year history. 

    HBA-NJ’s 39th President Julia A. López’s said, “The Gala recognized longtime supporters of the HBA-NJ and the Latinx community.  The HBA-NJ also made history by presenting over $100,000 between scholarships and the creation of a scholarship endowment that will help sustain HBA-NJ’s goals going forward.  I am proud to be part of the history that will help secure the success of the Latinx leaders of tomorrow.”   The HBA-NJ specifically awarded $52,000 in scholarships to 12 Latinx law students and 2 American Dream Pipeline Program high school students, and it established the HBA-NJ Scholarship Endowment with an initial check in the amount of $50,000.  The HBA-NJ further pledged to make annual contributions to the HBA-NJ Scholarship Endowment. 

    During the Gala, Carimer N. Andujar passionately spoke about her plight of overcoming obstacles and challenges as an undocumented individual.  Ms. Andujar is a Dreamer, and a graduate of the American Dream Pipeline Program and Rutgers School of Engineering Class of 2019.  President López remarked, “This year’s theme was Diversity Makes America Great and having Carimer address the guests at the Gala was important to me.  She epitomizes the immigrant story of someone who had to flee terrible conditions in order to survive and find opportunities for a better life.  Not only did she find those opportunities, but she succeeded.  It was important for the guests to hear firsthand from someone who is marginalized in today’s society, but who still attained success through the support of a strong network.  Her success is our success, and her story epitomizes the HBA-NJ’s mission at its core.  We are proud of Carimer and will continue to support her and other Dreamers and students alike.”

    The HBA-NJ thanks its sponsors and Gala attendees for their generosity and support.  President López said, “It was great year for the HBA-NJ, which could not have been possible without the support of our sponsors, and I look forward to the celebration of the HBA-NJ’s 40th anniversary next year.”  Please save the date for the Installation and Swearing-In Ceremony of our 40th President, Melinda Colón Cox, and the 2019-2020 Board of Trustees on October 22, 2019, at the Pleasantdale Chateau in West Orange, New Jersey. 


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101

    For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at or (973) 966-8034.  For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: or contact Julia A. López, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at or (609) 524-2022.

     ©2019 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

  • 06 Jun 2019 11:30 PM | Arianna Mouré (Administrator)

          Celebrating 39 Years:

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey Supports Bills A4743/S3229, Which Allow New Jersey Residents Who Do Not Qualify For a Real ID Act License, To Receive a Driver’s License.


    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (HBA-NJ) urges the New Jersey Assembly and Senate to pass bills A4743 and S3229.  The bills create two types of driver’s licenses: 1) a basic driver’s license, and 2) a REAL ID Act compliant driver’s license.  The basic driver’s license provides driving privileges to New Jersey residents who do not qualify for a REAL ID Act license.  The REAL ID Act compliant license, in turn, may be used for federal purposes and is available to those who prove lawful residence in the United States.

    In 2005, Congress enacted the REAL ID Act.  The Act established rigorous application requirements for driver’s licenses and identification cards for access to federal facilities and nuclear power plants, and for boarding commercial flights. 

    New Jersey’s proposed legislation is a practical response to privacy concerns raised by the REAL ID Act, such as the retention by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) of copies of documents that individuals submit to prove their identity or residency.  By directing state agencies to not retain such documents, the proposed bills aim to comply with federal law—which mandates access to state agency records—while protecting the privacy of New Jersey residents. 

    If enacted, the bills would also provide immigrants with access to New Jersey’s roads—thereby increasing their access to employment, education, and healthcare.  The law would generate additional revenues through licensing fees and would boost the economy through a more mobile labor force.  Additionally, under the law, new drivers would join the insurance pool, thereby lowering insurance rates that must account for accidents involving uninsured motorists.  Finally, access to these licenses would reduce the risk of undocumented drivers being detained for unlicensed driving; or worse, thereafter being placed into the custody of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement for potential deportation. 

    There may still be risks for those carrying these licenses, such as confirmation bias on the part of law enforcement (i.e., the belief that a standard driver’s license automatically equates to an undocumented driver) or federal agencies making adverse inferences based on limited information received from the MVC.  Notwithstanding, mobility without fear of deportation is essential for quality of life.  Undocumented New Jerseyans should be able to weigh any potential risks against the benefits of: 1) access to licenses, and 2) insurance to protect valuable property, passengers, and other motorists.  Accordingly, the HBA-NJ urges legislators to pass bills A4743 and S3229 without further delay.

    HBA-NJ President Julia A. López noted: “This bill is a step in the right direction.  If the bill becomes law, it will be crucial for the State and its agencies to implement additional privacy protections and educate the public and law enforcement on the significance and implications of the two categories of licenses.”


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101

    For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at or (973) 966-8034.

    For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: or contact Julia A. López, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at or (609) 524-2022.

  • 31 May 2019 9:30 PM | Arianna Mouré (Administrator)

          Celebrating 39 Years




    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) congratulates Evelyn Padin, Esq. on her installation as the first Latina President of the New Jersey State Bar Association (“NJSBA”).  Ms. Padin was installed on May 16, 2019, at the NJSBA’s Annual Meeting and Convention in Atlantic City.  The NJSBA has existed for 120 years and supports more than 18,000 members statewide.  The last and only time the NJSBA had a Latinx President was more than 40 years ago when the Honorable Joseph H. Rodriguez served as its President.  The HBA-NJ commends the NJSBA for electing Ms. Padin.

    Ms. Padin is a former trustee of the HBA-NJ; she also served as a trustee for the Hudson County Bar Association and on various committees for the NJSBA.  Ms. Padin has served in many roles and worn many hats.  She is an attorney, business owner, mother, and advocate.  Ms. Padin works tirelessly for those who do not have a voice, often organizing and running programs to educate communities on their legal rights.  As President of the NJSBA, her goal is to ensure that the residents of the State of New Jersey have equal rights and access to New Jersey’s courts. 

    Noting how history was made by Ms. Padin’s recent installment as the NJSBA President, HBA-NJ President Julia A. López said, “Evelyn is a seasoned attorney and succeeded in a time when only a few Latinas were a part of the bar.  Her determination and passion are readily apparent, so it is no surprise that she was elected and installed as the first Latina President of the NJSBA.  During her speech, Evelyn’s message was loud and clear – she intends to embrace her culture and roots, and continue to promote diversity, equal rights and growth throughout the bar, the judiciary, the government, and the entire State of New Jersey.  Evelyn’s goals are inspiring, and the HBA-NJ looks forward to working with her and the NJSBA.”


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101


  • 01 Nov 2018 12:39 PM | Arianna Mouré (Administrator)

    Celebrating 38 Years:



    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 1, 2018

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) strongly denounces the current administration’s continued attack on the Latino community. The administration has now announced its plans to deploy up to 15,000 active-duty troops to the border in an effort to stop the group of migrants, also known as the migrant caravan, headed to the United States. Many of the individuals in the migrant caravan, which began their journey earlier this month, seek asylum in the United States to flee persecution and violence in their home countries. The use of active military, seemingly one of the largest during peacetimes, is yet another example of the criminalization of Latinos.

    As noted by Julia A. López, HBA-NJ President: “From the highest office in our land, Latinos are being called bad hombres, hardened criminals, and rapists simply because they are Latino.” The HBA-NJ condemns the use of the military at the border, as well as the rhetoric that incites hatred, exacerbates racial tensions, and further polarizes our nation at a time when our country needs unity. Not only is this behavior inconsistent with American principles, but denying people the ability to apply for asylum is a violation of the laws and international conventions that prescribe how the United States must treat its neighbors who seek to establish a “credible fear” of returning home. Let’s be clear: Immigrants have long been a part of the fabric of the United States, dating back to the ships full of migrants coming to this country through Ellis Island.

    In another anti-immigrant ploy, the President plans to nullify the 14th Amendment of the Constitution with an executive order. The 14th Amendment guarantees all persons born or naturalized in the United States as citizens of the United States. The proposed executive order would seek to eviscerate birthright citizenship from children born on United States soil to undocumented immigrants. This proposition is a clear indication of misguided and unfounded assertions against migrants. Terminating the 14th Amendment with an executive order is also an attack of the Constitution—the basis of our democracy.

    The President of the HBA-NJ, Julia A. López, emphasized: “We must all raise our voices when the Latino community is under attack and when immigrants are not treated with dignity. Immigrants have always made America great. Now more than ever, when Latinos are the largest growing minority in this country and our vote equals power, we must raise our voices as Americans and exercise our right to vote on November 6th. In these defining times, we must put humanity over political lines and stand up against all anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic, and racist hate speech.”


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, lawstudents, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.

    The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101

    For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at or (973) 966-8034.

    For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: or contact Julia A. López, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at or (609) 524-2022.

    ©2018 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.

  • 31 Oct 2018 10:12 AM | Arianna Mouré (Administrator)

    Celebrating 38 Years:



    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 31, 2018

    The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (“HBA-NJ”) held its 39th Annual Installation and Swearing-In Ceremony of its Officers and Trustees at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey on October 24, 2018. The Honorable Esther Salas, District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, swore in the Officers and Trustees. After 14 years of service to the HBA-NJ, Julia A. López, a Reed Smith attorney and Guatemalan immigrant, was sworn in as the HBANJ’s 39th President.

    Longtime member of the HBA-NJ, Albertina (“Abby”) Webb, Vice President for the Southern Region of the HBA-NJ and a partner at LaRocca Hornik Rosen Greenberg &Patti LLC, served as the mistress of ceremonies at the sold-out event. Judges, lawyers, and students from all over the state were among the 400 guests. Hector D. Ruiz, Immediate Past President of the HBA-NJ and a partner at Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP, and Jennifer Salinas, National President of the Hispanic National Bar Association (“HNBA”) and Executive Director of Intellectual Property Litigation at Lenovo, made remarks. The HBA-NJ also recognized Cristal Lambert, HBA-NJ Treasurer and legal counsel at Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc., and Jacqueline S. Peña, HBA-NJ Membership Secretary and counsel at Travelers Insurance, with the Corazon, Del HBA-NJ Award for their outstanding dedication and unwavering service to the organization.

    During her presidential remarks, Julia A. López announced this year’s theme for the HBA-NJ: “Diversity Makes America Great.” Noting that “we are living in unprecedented times” in which “our community is under attack,” President López observed that the Latino/a community is the largest minority group in the State of New Jersey and in the country and that “our vote is power.” She encouraged attendees to exercise the right to vote on November 6th. She also noted that the HBA-NJ would continue to serve as an “agent of change,” by “empowering our community” and “advocating for diversity and inclusion on our benches, in all branches of our government, at our law firms, and in our law schools.” The HBA-NJ also displayed powerful art donated by Latin American artists to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (“UNHCR”) RefugiArte project. Growing up as an immigrant, Julia thanked the UNHCR and the Latin American artists for raising awareness to this important issue and promoting positive attitudes towards the refugee and immigrant experience.

    Also in attendance were: Assemblywoman Annette Quijano; Julio M. Fuentes, Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; Jose L. Linares, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey; several HNBA leaders including Irene Oria, HNBA President-Elect and special counsel at Stroock, Stroock & Lavan, Miguel Alexander Pozo, HNBA/HBA-NJ Past President and member of Cozen O’Connor’s Minneapolis office, and Pedro J. Torres-Díaz, HNBA Past President and a principal in the San Juan, Puerto Rico and Miami offices of Jackson Lewis; several state court judges, and many HBA-NJ former presidents. Students from the HBA-NJ’s American Dream Pipeline Program in Union City and Passaic, New Jersey also attended the event.

    The HBA-NJ thanks its sponsors and Installation attendees for their generosity and support. In particular, we would like to thank our Platinum sponsor, Reed Smith LLP; Gold sponsors: 1) Archer & Greiner P.C.; 2) Beacon Hill Legal; 3) Day Pitney LLP; 4) Hudson Court Reporting & Digital Media; 5) Lowenstein Sandler LLP; 6) Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLP; 7) Prudential; and 8) Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP; and Silver sponsors: 1) Advanced PMR and Synergy Spinecare and Rehabilitation Medicine PC; 2) Bederson LLP; 3) D’Arcy Johnson Day; 4) Kaufman Dolowich Voluck LLP; 5) Law Offices of George Rios, P.A.; 6) McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney &Carpenter LLP; and 7) Waters McPherson McNeil, P.C.


    About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community. The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.

    Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

    P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101

    For press inquiries, please contact: Alba V. Aviles, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at

    or (973) 966-8034.

    For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: or contact Julia A. López, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at or (609) 524-


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Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

2 Federal Square

PO BOX 25562

Newark, NJ 07102-1998

HBANJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization

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