Celebrating 37 Years:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2017
The past few weeks have been extremely difficult. Our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida, the entire Caribbean and Mexico have been dangerously impacted by the recent catastrophic hurricanes and earthquakes that continue to threaten many lives.
While the survivors of these disasters continue to show their resilience, the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey (HBA-NJ) is working with support and disaster response organizations, both locally and in the affected areas, to offer our assistance in any way possible.
“We extend our thoughts and prayers to victims of these recent natural disasters in the United States, Caribbean, Mexico and Central America, including members of our HBA-NJ families” said HBA-NJ President, Arlene Quinones Perez. “We are working hard to remain in contact with relief organizations in the affected areas and are continuing to assess needs and see how we can help.”
We will continue to update our website as information becomes available, as many of the organizations in the affected areas are still attempting to re-open their offices and assess the needs of the victims. Helping our brothers and sisters will require a long-term commitment from our membership and we have no doubt that the HBA-NJ familia will rise to the occasion and assist those in need.
Please check our website for updates and resources for assisting in the relief and rebuilding efforts. In the meantime, those who would like to donate their time, money, goods or pro bono legal services can visit the following websites:
Direct Relief (All affected areas)
LatinoJustice PRLDEF (Mexico & Puerto Rico)
Hispanic Federation (Mexico & Puerto Rico)
ConPRmetidos (Puerto Rico):
Fondos Unidos de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
ABA Volunteer Legal Services (various resources and legal assistance to disaster survivors)
Legal Corps for Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
About The Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
Founded in 1980, the HBA-NJ is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association that is comprised of attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, and other professionals who share a common interest in addressing the issues affecting Hispanics within the legal community.
The purpose of the Association is to serve the public interest: (i) by cultivating the art and science of jurisprudence, (ii) by advancing the standing of the legal profession, and (iii) by preserving high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among Hispanic lawyers.
Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
P.O. Box 25562, Newark, NJ 07101
For press inquiries, please contact: Wendy Rubinstein, Esq., HBA-NJ Press Secretary, at wrubinstein@decotiislaw.com or (201) 928-1100.
For more information about the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, please visit our website at: www.njhba.org or contact Arlene Quinones Perez, Esq., HBA-NJ President, at aqperez@decotiislaw.com or (908) 625-7714.
©2017 Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey.
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